Today thousands of pilgrims are climbing a mountain in Ireland, as they have been doing for an amazing 5,000 years! Over the course of a year, it’s estimated that one million visitors make the climb. The mountain is Croagh Patrick. It’s approximately 2,500 feet, located in County Mayo. On Reek Sunday, the last Sunday in…
The Star of the County Down
Scroll down for the lyrics. Near Banbridge town, in the County Down One morning in July Down a boreen green came a sweet colleen And she smiled as she passed me by. She looked so sweet from her two white feet To the sheen of her nut-brown hair Such a coaxing elf, I’d to shake…
Finding God in the Now
Benediction of a Day George MacLeod (1895-1991) To take a natural analogy, there is a living flower. You want to have it, so you pluck it. But, by your act of plucking, it dies. You are fascinated by a sparkling running stream, a living stream of water. But, if you grasp it, it runs through…
Book Review: Ireland’s Pilgrim’s Paths, Walking the Ancient Trails by Darach MacDonald
When I was in Dublin I visited a small indie bookshop called The Winding Stair. I was just looking up their website to share and discovered there is a restaurant upstairs! Up the winding stairs. How did I miss that??? Probably because it was my first day in Ireland (thus no sleep!) and I was…
Glendalough, Valley of Two Lakes
I have been wanting to blog about sites on my last trip to Ireland ever since I got back! So sorry it’s taken months for me to get to this (other obligations) but I’m happy to start sharing! Glendalough is a popular tourist destination, and it’s not far from Dublin, but this was my first…
Happy St. Brendan’s Day!
Amazon affiliate links are used, which help support the blog but do not cost you more to use. He’s one of the most interesting Irish saints, in my opinion, and there are plenty! Today is his feast day, a fine time to chat a bit about the man. He’s most famous for his voyage, which…
5 Things To Do To Celebrate Beltane
It’s May 1, the Celtic festival of Beltane, May Day, and in Ireland the first day of summer. There are traditional ways to celebrate: dance around a May pole, make a basket of flowers and leave it anonymously on your neighbor’s door….But who does that? So, how do you celebrate? Here are five ideas for you: 1….
Ireland 2023 Recap
This will be a brief summary of the trip. I plan to blog more extensively on several of the stops we made on the Brigid’s Ancient Ireland Tour. I was honored to be asked by Prime Tours to help plan and lead a tour to Ireland based on places in my book Brigid of Ireland….
Where I Am Going, You Cannot Follow Now
Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later.” (John 13:36 NIV) This passage comes from The Last Supper, and seeing that this is Holy Week, it seems fitting. And it makes me think today of the Celtic pilgrims who set out…
Irish Lace
Did you know that lace window curtains were a sign of prosperity among Irish immigrants? Even on the frontier where houses were rough hewn dwellings a woman hung lace curtains in the window if she was able. In Ireland you’ll see windows covered in lace curtains. I can’t think of anything more homey and welcoming….