If you have immigrant ancestors, you’ve probably wondered why they came to America. There were many reasons, but here are a few to consider: 1. They came to escape poverty. This was probably the biggest reason. Famine, particularly the Great Potato Famine–an Gorta Mór–of Ireland in the 1840s to early 1850s, compelled people to seek…
My First Celtic Wisdom Pic
I pinned this on Facebook and Twitter, but in case you missed it, here it is again. I’ll be posting these photos with Celtic sayings from time to time. The photographs are mine. The sayings will mostly come from my book, Celtic Wisdom, as this one did. Please feel free to share liberally. 😉
These are ARCs (Advanced Reader Copies) for media outlets. Excited to hold an actual book, words from my imagination. And blessed to have Tyndale publish it. Know of any local media (in Ohio?) Let me know.
Learn More About Ellis Island
I love the Bowery Boys podcast. I’ve learned a lot from them about New York history. If you’re a history buff like me, or you are curious because you are among the multitudes whose ancestors came through Ellis Island, have a listen. http://boweryboys.libsyn.com/webpage?search=ellis+island&Submit=Search
I Am the Voice
I’m deep into edits as my deadline approaches, but I thought I’d share something I found inspirational. This link will direct you to my Celtic Voices blog, which you can also get to with the tab above. Comment on the blog if you’d like to tell me what you thought. http://celticvoices.blogspot.com/2013/01/i-am-voice.html
A New Beginning
Doesn’t everyone wish for a new beginning? At least in some aspect of life? For some reason the dawn of a new year motivates most people to try something new, do something better, or toss away some vices. Why did the immigrants of the early 20th century come to America? For most it was to…
My First Post
Welcome! I’ve been working on a new website, and since it’s just me, myself, and I working on it, it’s taken me a while before I was ready to show it to the world. But here I am, finally, and I’m glad you stopped by! With my new series with Tyndale House, I thought I…