I’ve been on the trail of my 2x great grandfather, Edward Myrick, ever since I found out he and his father, Enoch Myrick, were born in Clermont County, Ohio. My father’s mother was a Myrick, and as far as I had known (and probably my father knew) they all lived in Indiana for a long…
Lots of exciting things happening. I’m hoping to get a newsletter out in a day or two, so if you’re not signed up, just looking for the link above. I’m going to include a giveaway this month. Next week I’ll be at the Indy Irish Festival. At the same time I’ll be attending ACFW’s annual…
A 1900 View of the Future
Jules Verne’s From The Earth to The Moon I’m working through edits on Book Two of the Ellis Island Series, Annie’s Stories. One of the characters enjoys reading the contemporary authors Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, who were known for their futuristic notions. I was reading a column in the New York Times from 1901…
Hello? Where Are You?
I’d like to find out where you all hang out. This will only take a second. Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
Do Native New Yorkers Exist?
Photos from the New York Times From left, DeRuiter Family; Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times Christian DeRuiter strolls along the Hudson, which runs through his family’s long history in the city, dating back to Dutch colonial days. Left, Johannah de Bloch and Frederick DeRuiter, Mr. DeRuiter’s paternal grandparents. I ran across this interesting article in…
A Peek into New York Life in 1901
I love these old Thomas Edison reels. I wonder if Marilyn Monroe watched this one. Keep an eye on the sidewalk grate. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6waHQwR0G4k?rel=0]
Author Karen Robbins on Her Ireland Trip
Cindy’s note: Karen is a writer friend who just happens to have been born on St. Patrick’s Day. I asked her to share with you some memories about her trip. Thanks for inviting me today, Cindy! One of the reasons I love your books so much is the Ireland connection. In 2011, we spent a…
Win!! Prints That Inspired Grace’s Pictures
Update: Mandy is the winner! Thanks for entering, everyone. If you’d like me to run another contest like this, just ask! 🙂 I would love to give these four prints away to one of my readers. If I get a good response, I may do it again and perhaps add some different ones. You can…
See the Reopening of the Statue of Liberty
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWgJ2QoXJUk] Read about an immigrant who saw the Statue as she arrived in America in Grace’s Pictures.
Hello Again, Lady Liberty!
Click on photo for Flickr credit Today the Statue of Liberty re-opens to visitors after being closed since Superstorm Sandy hit the area last October. The statue was undamaged, sitting on high ground on Liberty Island, but 8 feet of water damaged the island’s boilers and electrical systems, so repairs were necessary before tourists could…