O hushed October morning mild, Begin the hours of this day slow. Make the day seem to us less brief. Hearts not averse to being beguiled, Beguile us in the way you know. Release one leaf at break of day; At noon release another leaf; One from our trees, one far away. Retard the sun…
Writing Your Genealogy
My Library Presentation I was asked to make presentations at four branch libraries in Belmont County, OH. It was so fun to do this because the topic requested was how to write your family’s story after you’ve done the research. Beyond Facts, Dates, and Sources What genealogy enthusiast hasn’t tried to tell his or her…
Festival Recap
Dayton Celtic Festival This festival is held every year on the last weekend of July. The cultural area is only open Saturday and Sunday, although that could change in the future because it’s influenced by whether or not the Dayton Dragon baseball team has a game or not. The cultural area is in the concourse…
Writing is Easy, Life is Hard
The Hard Part As I hinted in my newsletter this month (July 2019), life has been challenging lately. I know I’m not alone in this. We all experience the valley from time to time, right? I’m inspired by the title of a book. Hall of Fame pitcher Fergie Jenkins has several biographies or autobiographies published….
Researching the 1920s
Bits and Pieces The 1920s will only be a small part of the novel I’m working on, but as we all know, we are made up of past events, and for my character WWI, the 1920s, the ’30s, all build to bring him where is in 1946. So, I have to go there with him….
My Television Interview
Via the magic of Skype, I was interviewed on Ban Johnson, the father of the MLB American League on WTAP in West Virginia. I did a biography on Johnson with Joe Santry for SABR (Society of American League Baseball) many years ago. I admit, this was kinda fun!
The Pause
Forced Rest I took this photo during a time author Shelly Miller calls “Forced Sabbath.” That’s a time when we take a rest we hadn’t planned. The worse example of this is when we are sick. We are forced to rest, and can sometimes use that time for reflection and a time to seek God….
Introducing Enya’s Son
True, it’s been out a few months. But time got away from me and I haven’t promoted it as much as I should. Better late than never, here is the book trailer for Enya’s Son, Book Three of the Daughters of Ireland Series. I’d love to hear what you think. If you’d read the novel,…
Dear Readers, You Can Help!
FYI: This post was written by Cindy, not Tom. Here’s an Easy-Peasy Way to Help Me! See this book? It’s been out for many years, and yet in a Facebook group for readers of Christian fiction, someone asked for recommendations of books set 5th-6th century and no one recommended mine. There is a virtual ocean…
Out with the Old and In with the New? Not Exactly!
My One Word As some of you know, I choose a word for each new year. I’ve been doing this for many years now, influenced by a book called My One Word by Mike Ashcroft and Rachel Olsen. Over the years my words have included: kindness, focus, peace, listen… I’m always amazed by the end…