Yesterday I enjoyed appearing at the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus, Ohio, a festival I’ve appeared at for several years now. It’s a great time to meet new readers, reconnect with those who have read my books, and mingle with other authors, bookstore owners, librarians, and book lovers. This year I was asked to be on…
Author: Cindy Thomson
The Naming of a Character
Getting It Right It’s one of the tricky things about writing historical novels. While contemporary novelists probably devote plenty of time in choosing a novel’s characters’ names, when you are writing historical, particularly in the ancient time frame I’m using now, you sometimes have to choose between names a reader can pronounce in his/her head…
Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Remembering the Patron Saint Yes, there are three patron saints of Ireland. You’ve probably heard me say that before: St. Patrick, St. Brigid, and St. Columba. But most people associate St. Patrick with Ireland, and legends extoll his bravery and evangelical spirit. He is credited with bringing Christianity to Ireland, and while he was not…
The Other Celtic Country
Learning About Wales Here in America, we hear little about this other Celtic country. We are all about Ireland, which makes sense when you consider the number of Americans who have Irish roots, nearly a quarter according to some sources. And Scotland? We have Braveheart and tartans, just to name a few Scottish influences. There…
Pages of Ireland
In case you missed this book, and if you’re going to be at the Ohioana Book Festival.
Update on My One Word
My One Word for 2017 I thought I’d give you an update since my post on My One Word. I have had some confirmation that I wanted to show you. First, if you didn’t read that other post (that’s okay, I won’t make you!) the word I chose, or the word I felt compelled to…
99 Cent Books to Start the New Year!
Great Savings on Ebooks! What better way to start 2017 than with a great deal on some ebooks? My publisher has Grace’s Pictures on sale all month, along with some other great reads. Only 99 cents in January! Click here for the deal. Grace’s Pictures is the first book of the Ellis Island series, so if you…
Better Than a New Year’s Resolution
My New Year’s Tradition I’ve been picking a word each year, something that I think I’m supposed to learn. Usually, it means something different than I thought it would. Last year’s word, meant to me that I should do more of it: “Create” but it also meant I needed some re-creating of my heart and mind. There…
Which Story Are You Telling This Christmas?
Truth I’m reading a book right now (listening to it, actually) titled The Truth According to Us. This post has nothing to do with that novel, however. Just the title. It intrigues me. From what I’ve observed, we may uphold truth, but only the truth as we understand it. And when you think about it,…
When Feeling Thankful is Hard
What the World Needs Now Sure, the world needs love, but seriously what the world needs now is more people with grateful attitudes. I’m afraid we’ve become complainers, at least in this country. I’m challenging myself to look for the good no matter what. I’ve faced some tough situations, and am currently facing some, but…