My One Word As some of you know, I choose a word for each new year. I’ve been doing this for many years now, influenced by a book called My One Word by Mike Ashcroft and Rachel Olsen. Over the years my words have included: kindness, focus, peace, listen… I’m always amazed by the end…
Author: Cindy Thomson
Editorial Review for Enya’s Son
I have had a little trouble posting to my web site. That is why you’ll see the author of this post as Tom, rather than me. I needed to use his login. It’s always something, right? So when this review came in, I wasn’t able to share it right away. But I wanted to make…
Look Out the Window
Advice From Fellow Authors About Life About five years ago the Christian writing community lost a novelist named Diann Hunt to cancer. She bravely wrote about her struggle in her last years, and I followed her on Facebook. In her last few months (she passed away in late November) she gave advice freely, not just…
September 2018 New Releases
More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website. Contemporary Romance: A Baby for the Minister by Laurel Blount — Jilted at the altar, Natalie Davis has no one she can turn to—until Jacob Stone steps in. The single minister’s drawn to the beautiful mommy-to-be and wants to…
Stories About Ohio!
Available now for pre-order. Releases Sept 1! It was a lot of fun to be part of this anthology. I believe readers are really going to enjoy it. The stories are uplifting and varied, something for everyone! My story, Evie’s Letter, is set in Cardington, Ohio. A group of ladies in Cardington, Ohio, are answering…
The Best Laid Schemes or How Not to Publish a Book
The best laid schemes of mice and men Go often askew, And leave us nothing but grief and pain, For promised joy! ~From To A Mouse by Robert Burns, 1785 Robert Burns wrote that poem after ploughing up a mouse nest, accidentally. If I’ve learned anything this summer-of-trying-to-get-Enya’s-Son-to-readers, it’s that despite my best efforts, my…
St. Patrick and Easter
A Light in the Darkness One of my favorite stories about St. Patrick revolves around Easter. In ancient Ireland feast days were launched the night before with a massive fire. In a world without electricity, an outdoor fire must have been visible for miles, a call to the gathering. The story says that on the…
Who Doesn’t Love Swag For Readers?
Fundraiser for the Faith & Fellowship Book Festival Fun shirts for readers. Here is one: Click here
Cooking for St. Patrick’s Day
What To Do For people like me who aren’t interested in going to a bar on St. Patrick’s Day (despite the fact that we’ll surely miss some great music) cooking something traditionally Irish is what we do to celebrate. I will probably make Irish stew. Since we’re gluten-free and mostly dairy-free here at our house,…