The end of the year caught up with me and I’d hardly given a thought to choosing a word for the new year. This is something I started doing with a group of writer friends probably 15 years ago. I kept it up because I find it helpful and enlightening as I contemplate what God may have for me in the new year. First a look back.
The past year has had some ups and downs, as years tend to. But things settled down and life was and is good! There were losses, and I’m beginning to think I’ll keep on experiencing those because I’m getting old, lol! I have focused on good memories and that has helped. My word last year was endeavor. As words go, I found it a meh. But I have been trying hard to accomplish some goals this year and I did! The biggest one was completing Finding Juniper. I’ve enjoyed all our family get togethers (including celebrating my mother-in-law’s 90th birthday), some precious time with good friends, the time I get to spend with my grandchildren, and a vacation to Philadelphia with Tom. We are both history nuts! So all in all a good year!
Looking forward to 2025 I already see good things ahead. We will welcome another grand baby in April!!!! I’m releasing my first novel since 2018, giving more talks on St. Brigid, sharing a new little booklet on St. Brigid with kids, and taking a trip to England, Scotland, and Wales. There will be more watching grandkids, meeting with friends, and family get togethers. I’ll be starting (well really getting back to) some new writing projects, and continuing to research for my genealogy client.
All this leads to my new word: PAUSE. I’m working to get in some morning quiet time every single day. I might miss some, but grace, grace, grace. I won’t beat myself up for it. I had thought my word might be joy, but then this word pushed its way in. And I believe taking time to pause, to reflect and meditate, to pray, will indeed lead to joy.
Do you pick a yearly word? Share in the comments if you’d like. I’d love to hear some good words!

My word is blessings. Finding time each day to find something I’ve been blessed with or to be able to bless others.