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!. What do you like to see in an author’s newsletter? (Choose all that apply and add additional info if you’d like)
- New Releases
- Fun Giveaways
- Inside look at author’s writing process
- Update on author’s writing progress
- Personal news about author’s life
- Seasonal poems or reflections
- Historical tidbits
- What the author is researching, including research trips
- Reading recommendations
- Book Deals on author’s books
- Book Deals on other books
- Other
2. What do you not like to see in an author’s newsletter? This could be mine or another author’s.
I love to read about New Releases
Thanks, Robin. I do too!
New releases, fun giveaways. I love everything or anything about books..
Ah, you are my people, Tina!
I like an inside look at author’s writing process and personal news about author’s life. I don’t want an overly long email.
I agree with the length thing. I’ve been trying not to make mine long, and also make them so you can stroll to the info you want to read the most if you don’t have time to read it all.
I enjoy the giveaways, the author’s life and what’s going on. I like book info on either the newsletter author or a recommendation. I love to cook, so I wouldn’t mind some recipes in the newsletter 😄. I get a lot of newsletters, so lengthy ones kind and lose me.
I strive not to make mine long because I feel the same way, Joy. I haven’t done many recipes. I’ll see if I can add some!
Not everyone likes the option to use Instagram or go to you tube! This applies to ALL authors! The “excuse” is always… Not the author’s option, but the entity giving away the goodies! Life works best
when simple and straightforward! My grands and I love reading about ALL things Irish! The pictures
from Ireland are beautiful!!
I normally do not use Rafflecopter. It was an experiment this time, but I didn’t require Instagram to be entered, just commenting here. I do agree with you, Marilynn, straightforward is best! I happy to hear you love all things Irish!
I love to see everything. I do not like that some make you go to instagram or Facebook to have giveaways due to the fact that not everyone does social media for privacy reasons.
I get it, Kelly. I won’t be doing that for sure!
I like reading about the author’s life, giveaways, and new releases. What I don’t like is mostly stuff about other author’s. I get a lot of author newsletters, and I don’t want stuff about other author’s in whoever’s newsletter I’m reading. I like links to your other pages, but don’t do giveaways only on Instagram, as I will NOT be opening an Instagram account, and if that’s all you do, I’ll unsubscribe, as I have from other author’s newsletters.
Nope, I don’t do that or require that readers go to a social media site. It was not a requirement on this giveaway, and actually I run most of my giveaways myself, asking readers just to reply to enter. Thanks for giving your thoughts, Trudy!
I love to learn about new releases and books that are out right now. I love to read reviews by other readers to hear what the book is all about. Thanks for your great generosity.
Ah, if you like historical fiction, http://www.Novel PASTimes.com has you covered, Linda!
make that http://www.novelpastimes.com
I like to read the following in an author ‘s newsletter: new releases, author’s personal insights and writing styles, life interests and experiences, photos, book recommendations, and fun giveaways.
I do not have any topics that I do not like.
Ah, that’s good to hear, Eileen!
I like everything. However, I’m not on Instagram and can’t participate in giveaways there.
It was not a requirement here, Diana, but I get it!
For me you don’t have to. This comment is your entry, Diana. Happy to hear you like everything!
Fun giveaway and new releases
Thanks for letting me know, Margaret!
I always love the giveaways, though I seldom win. I like reading real history that inspired a book of fiction.
I get so many author emails that I like what is sent out to be short and sweet. If it’s long and drawn out I usually don’t read it all.
Thanks for that input, Gail! I hope your luck changes!
Giveaways are always fun, I enjoy book news and historical tidbits, too.
Thanks for letting me know, Bridget!
Anything historical, Author tidbits, book updates and giveaways
Sounds good, Jodi! Thanks!
I love founding out what new books they have just released and new books coming out.
Thanks, Sherry!
I like reviews,upcoming books and what the author is reading.
Thanks, Marilyn!
New releases, giveaways, what the author is working on, family news, and interesting facts found in an author’s research. I do not like long newsletters filled with other author’s books with a synopsis. One or two not too bad.
Sounds good, Linda. Thanks for your feedback!
I like special newsletter subscribers only giveaways. I don’t like when the newsletters go on and on and on. I don’t have time to sit and spend 15 minutes reading one newsletter.
I feel the same way, Diane. I like to give my newsletter subscribers things not available elsewhere. You are a special bunch!
Giveaways, introductions to new authors, history behind stories, letting us reply to you and you replying back and larger print. I do not If it is too busy or too long,
Thanks for that great feedback, Carol!
I like reading about the tidbits of the author and her family life, fun giveaways, book recommendations, new releases, historical history tidbits, and recipes the author wants to share!
I love to read tidbits about the author’s personal life, Information about new and upcoming releases, and extras like recipes and giveaways are always fun.
Good to know! Thanks, Cherie!
I like to read about new releases, what is going on in your life, maybe a recipe too.
Thanks, Susan. I had no idea so many people were interested in recipes!