On this day many years ago I woke up after having what I thought at the time was an odd dream. I dreamt about my oldest sister. I had no reason to be dreaming about her. I’d seen her about a month earlier after her granddaughter spent a few days with me. My sister had struggled with obesity all her life. In my dream, she was thin, walking without any difficulty, and extremely happy and radiant.
When I woke up I thought the dream was so odd that I immediately told my husband about it. Late that evening I got a call from my father. My sister had passed away suddenly without warning.
And I knew.
God was showing me my sister in Heaven. No physical impairment. Beautiful. So happy.

I believe God speaks to us in dreams sometimes. Not every time. I’ve since had others in my family pass away and I didn’t receive a comforting dream like this. Maybe one is enough.
Dreams are in the Bible, and it’s clear God uses them to communicate sometimes. Who could forget Joseph’s dreams and his ability to interpret dreams? The ancient Celts believed dreams were significant as well. I’ve blogged about St. Patrick’s dream and St. Enda’s dream, one of my most popular posts on this blog.
I cherish this dream about my sister. It brought me great comfort. I’d love to hear about your significant dreams. Care to share them here?