No matter what type of work you do, I pray it’s fulfilling, fruitful, and long-lasting.
The hurricane that just hit Florida had us wondering … would my mother-in-law’s place be impacted again. My husband and his brother just finished a lot of grueling work on it. Well, thankfully her place was far south of the damage, but as you’ve seen on the news, others have a lot of repair and cleanup to do. Rebuilding is worthy work. Creating is worthy work. Anything that leaves the world better than you found it, is worthy of your efforts. And many times it’s the process rather than the end product that you gain the most from. Something to ponder.
The Carmina Gadelica, via Wikipedia, is a collection of prayers, hymns, charms, incantations, blessings, literary-folkloric poems and songs, proverbs, lexical items, historical anecdotes, natural history observations, and miscellaneous lore gathered in the Gaelic-speaking regions of Scotland between 1860 and 1909 by Alexander Carmichael (1832–1912).

May God bless your labor!
I will go out to sow the seed,
~From the Carmina Gadelica, THE CONSECRATION OF THE SEED
In name of Him who gave it growth;
I will place my front in the wind,
And throw a gracious handful on high.
Should a grain fall on a bare rock,
It shall have no soil in which to grow;
As much as falls into the earth,
The dew will make it to be full.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.