It’s May 1, the Celtic festival of Beltane, May Day, and in Ireland the first day of summer. There are traditional ways to celebrate: dance around a May pole, make a basket of flowers and leave it anonymously on your neighbor’s door….But who does that?
So, how do you celebrate? Here are five ideas for you:
1. Why not leave your May Day basket for someone who will truly appreciate it? If that really is your neighbor, great. But what about a nursing home? The overworked nurses at a hospital? Use your imagination.

2. It’s the end of winter! Get in touch with your ancient roots and build your own version of a bonfire. Invite that neighbor or family or friends.

3. The American version of this festival? Go to a baseball game. What says summer better than baseball?

4. It’s also International Worker’s Day. In the US we recognize workers on Labor Day in September, but for other countries, May 1 is the day.