The harp is one of the symbols of Ireland. You’ll find it on Irish euros, the Guinness logo, and many more places.

The harp has been a beloved instrument since Old Testament days and maybe since the beginning of time. Angels play harps, right?

In my book, Celtic Song, I talk about the legend of Dagda’s Harp. The legend has to do with a battle and a harp that was so magical it put the enemy to sleep.
The harpist is the only musician who is of noble standing. Flute players, trumpeters and timpanists, as well as jugglers, conjurers and equestrians who stand on the backs of horses at fairs, have no status of their own in the community, only that of the noble chieftain to whom they are attached.
~From the Brehon Laws
Harp music is some of the most beautiful music people can make, in my opinion. It’s not hard to imagine being lulled to sleep.
Of course I had to include some music for you to listen to. Enjoy but try not to nap. 😉
Such a peaceful setting for beautiful music!