1. U.S. Presidents share your heritage.
I’ve lost count. But Wikipedia has the number over twenty.

2. You come from a long line of survivors.
Think about it: political oppression, the Great Famine, immigration, persecution…
Truly Irish Americans are among the most resilient people on earth.
3. Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett were of Irish heritage.
Where would this country be without them? Still on the east coast? (I could list more famous Irish Americans, but then this post would never end. So, on to reason four!)
4. When I think of the Irish, I think of a proud people and that’s some good DNA to have.

Sure, Ireland has had its ups and downs politically and economically. Many have left the country seeking opportunity. Yes, that’s an understatement. There are more Irish in the world at large than there are in Ireland. But they always appear (to me, anyway) to think of Ireland as home. Even many generations removed. Americans are also a proud people. Sure, there are jerks who burn flags and … well, you know, but most Americans are not so extreme.
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5. Music.
I don’t play, but I listen. The Irish and Scottish who came to America are responsible for bluegrass, country, and the birth of many of today’s musical styles. Bill Monroe and Earl Scruggs are credited with inventing bluegrass. Monroe once said, “It’s got a hard drive to it. It’s Scotch bagpipes and old time fiddlin’. It’s Methodist and Holiness and Baptist. It’s blues and jazz and it has a high lonesome sound. It’s plain music that tells a good story. It’s played from my heart to your heart, and it will touch you.”
6. Finally, be proud because the Irish have deep spiritual roots, which are a part of your heritage.