(In no particular order.)
1. Knots
I love Celtic knot designs. Our wedding rings have the eternity knot design, a symbol that love never ends. My husband stenciled a Celtic knot design on the landing of the stairs leading to my office. We have the design in several places around our home, including stepping stones outside. The design is ancient and for me, inspiring. You can find it all over Ireland in high crosses and churches.

2. Sayings
Love those witty sayings.
Trust God but don’t do a jig in a currach.
May you be at the gates of heaven an hour before the devil knows you’re dead!
May neighbours respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and Heaven accept you.
Stuff like that. Do you have any you’d like to share?
3. Music
Wow. Not much need to explain, is there?

4. Grass
The green stuff, you know. Such a delight for the eyes, especially near the blue ocean.
5. People
I love Irish people. So friendly and generous with their time and craic. Craic? Well, that could be a whole other blog post.

These are only five of my favorites. I could come up with more. What about you?
What are your favorite Irish things?