Remember in school when you had to write an essay on “What I did on summer vacation”? Well, if anyone’s interested I’m going to tell you what I did on Spring Break 2022. At the beginning of the pandemic lockdown I started a journal because as someone interested in history, I thought it might be interesting to future generations. The first line, March 2020: “Today we were supposed to be leaving for Florida.”
It finally happened this year! My mother-in-law winters in Florida. She’s had a lot of company this year! My son’s family likes to go over spring break because my daughter-in-law is a teacher. She lives on the Gulf side. We had wonderful weather!

At the Blue Dolphin Cafe and Captain Eddies. Lots of great food! (That’s my son Kyle who happened to turn when I was getting a photo of the sign.)

Leaving Winter Garden and heading to Savannah we drove through a pounding rainstorm. On the way out of it we looked out the back window to see this!

Tom and I took one day on our way home to explore Savannah. We walked everywhere. It was great. The weather was perfect and we had a great time. Just a few sample shots.

It was a great trip! I think everyone’s ready to get back out there now. In June we’re going to Nova Scotia. Do you have any trips planned?
Reminder: In 2023 we’re going to Ireland!!!!