Do you have special ornaments you hang on your tree? Today I’m going to share a few of my favorites. I’d love to see and hear about your favorites in the comments.

I bought this Brigid’s cross ornament in an Irish import store a few years ago. This year I dropped it. You can see that it’s glued back together and holding up fine. It’s special to me because … well, St. Brigid!

I don’t need to tell you why this one is special! Maelee, Barrett, and Emree gave it to me and my husband. Gosh, they’ve changed so much!

When I was little, this was my favorite ornament. I was so happy when my mom let me have it for my own tree. It’s pretty much an antique now! When it came to live with me, I had to sew it up a bit and spot clean it. I think Santa looks great now.

This one came from my friend Cindy Zudys in England. We’ve never met in person before (yet) but met on Facebook through mutual friends. She told me she’d never met another Cindy. I guess it’s not as common over there. I remember in school being in a class with four other Cindys. Apparently it’s a tradition in England to have a jester on your tree. And now I have one every year!

This one is new. I picked in up on vacation. It was made by a local crafter in Maine from found objects (shells, rocks, sea glass). I thought it was very clever and sweet.

Speaking of crafters, Maelee and I made dough ornaments last year. I thought she’d take them home but she didn’t want to. Every single one was put on my tree. She had a lot of fun hanging them up this year.

Here’s an oldie. Tom and I bought this for our very first Christmas tree. The shop we bought it from carefully wrapped it and we were very careful with it every year when we hung it on our tree. Always near the top at the front. It wasn’t until just a few years ago that I discovered it’s not glass but plastic. Oh, well. Still pretty.

And finally, this Santa. I love him! We bought him on our tour of the Belleek factory in Belleek, Ireland. One thing I love about this is that it is the same on the front and the back. No worries about it not hanging right. It drives me nuts when ornaments won’t hang face out no matter which way I turn them. This doesn’t have that problem!