Are you getting ready for Christmas? Here are some ideas!
1. The Candle in the Window
Who doesn’t love the simplicity of this? The tradition states that the candle will welcome Mary and Joseph as they wander because there is no room in the inn. Have you ever asked yourself if you were there at the time would you have turned them away? That’s something I ask myself.

2. Holly on the front door.
This stems from pre-Christian reverence for the holly tree but other trees were probably more sacred such as the yew and hazel. Christian tradition sees the holly as representing Christ’s crown of thorns. It’s considered good luck in Ireland to have a holly bush (or tree) planted by the front door. I have my own two wee bushes this year and I’m thinking of sticking some holly in a wreath. What do you hang on your door?

3. Plum pudding
Anyone in America eat this? It’s a whole lot of work, but if you’re game, here’s a recipe.
4. Roasted goose

There are plenty of Canada geese around here that I’d be happy if someone roasted, but I’m not sure I’d eat one. What about you?
To be fair, most Irish have turkey for Christmas dinner.
5. Midnight mass.
I’ve never been. Many churches have an 11PM service, but I’ve never been to that either. I’m a big fan of sleep, I guess. Still, it seems like bringing in Christmas Day at church would be special.