I think a lot of people would agree that life’s a journey.
From the cradle to the grave, the life we live leads us onward, and if we believe in following Christ, it leads us to a greater reward.
Perhaps that is why when I was in Ireland I kept snapping photographs of paths, gateways and doors. I like to have a visual image of this spiritual concept.

My photos are pretty varied. I’m only including a few in this post. I suppose you could read something into that, such as there are many roads to heaven. As a Christian, I believe Jesus is the One Way, but truly people are finding him in many places. I think a lot of people feel that Ireland is a thin place, the kind of place that drips history, and culture, and spiritual longing. I have yet to travel to all the places I’d like to, but I am sure there are other places in the world with that kind of feel.

Man-Made Paths
I have many photographs of pathways that men built. (And women if applicable.) I can see the creativity in these images. God is the Great Creator, and being made in the image of God, we are also creative spirits.

Nature’s Paths

Finding a path in nature, even if humans blazed it, can also be an inspiration. There is a path next to St. Brendan’s cathedral in Clonfert, County Galway, that is sign-marked as a nun’s walk. A tree at the head of the path bears the prayers and cloths and ribbons of sojourners. But following the path beyond through the wee forest, I felt as though I could breathe deeper than I could out near the road. It was like a secret garden. These photos are from that exploration.