As they say, hindsight is 20/20. We have hindsight regarding 2020 now, don’t we? I’ve talked before about what we’ve learned during this pandemic and what lessons we’ll keep in order to change things for the better.
I expect it won’t be too long now before we as a society go back to taking our lives for granted, at least by some degree. This why history matters. This is why I tell stories from the past and why I’m so interested in them. We should remember the lessons, which unfortunately includes some dark aspects of history. How else can we somewhat prepare ourselves for the next disaster, either a global one or one we alone have to deal with?
I titled this post If We Only Knew, but the truth is, we can know some of it by studying what our ancestors dealt with, lived through, suffered through, sometimes died because of. It’s shared humanity. It’s a common journey, this life on earth. Learn what you can from the past, then move forward with that knowledge inside you. The future is unknown, but the past isn’t.
Keep learning. Keep reading.