If you arrived here because you followed a link in my newsletter, thanks for reading! I promised you a sneak peek into what I’m working on. Full disclosure, this novel is barely begun. I’ve plotted a bit, rewritten, throw out, and written again (and again). So there is currently just one chapter written. In my readers Facebook group (What? You’re not a member? Join here!) I gave a sneaky look at some research books I’m using, which got some folks wondering what this could be about. The books are on baseball history during the Civil War. So let me tell you just a bit.

As of today (and these things are always subject to change!) I’m beginning with a modern day story. The characters will look back to their ancestors and how race figured into the history of baseball once in the Civil War and again at the close of WWII.
I haven’t gotten to the baseball part yet. I’m probably not even close. But I can introduce you to Juliet. She’s just moved back to the town where her mother was born by convincing her husband to purchase the house her great grandfather built. Juliet is trying to outrun some demons brought on by some past trauma. She takes a job as secretary in a church and meets the janitor Joe. Their ancestors’ lives crossed paths in a couple of generations and they are about to discover that and see how past choices they had no knowledge of ended up affecting their lives today. It’s set in the fictional town of Golden, Ohio. Some of you will get that I named that town after my mother.
This is all vague, I know, but like I said it’s a story just taking root.
This is part of the scene when two first meet:
Her shoulders relaxed. She glanced again at the clock. “You’re here early.”
“You too.”
“Yes. My kids get on the bus at 7:45. I didn’t want to sit around.”
He nodded, not explaining his own early arrival. Joe leaned against the desk. “Got a couple of kids myself. All grown now, of course. Ah, those were fun times.” He lifted the mug to his mouth. “Enjoy every minute. They grow up fast.”
“They do indeed.”
“Go ahead now, sit down.”
“It’s not time for me to start yet. I’ll need to wait for Pastor Sam.”
Joe laughed more heartily this time. “Let me tell you something about this here church that you may not know. You new in town, right?”
“I am. Just moved here a few months ago. My mother and her parents left Golden when she was a baby. You attend here?”
Joe tilted his head to one side. “No, ma’am. I go to the Gospel church right outside town on Highway 401.”
“Oh? I don’t remember seeing that church.”
“Small little white clapboard building. Not much to look at. Where the black folks go.”
“They don’t want to come here?” Juliet bit her lip. “I mean, why so many different churches in so small a place?”
Joe gave a toothy grin. “You do church different. Different songs, different sermons. Same God, for sure, but I suppose I’m like most folks. I go to the kind of church I grew up in. He shrugged “Truth be, folks almost everywhere do the same, don’t they?”
That’s just a tease. It’s possible every one of those words will be replaced as I work on this. It happens that way, so don’t hold me to them. I just wanted my newsletter readers to have the first glimpse.
Well Cindy, I’d say that’s a good start….for wherever the story takes you! I’ll be excited to see it published.
Thanks for sharing… will be excited to see your next project unfold. Exciting!!
Thanks for the tease. I enjoyed it!