1. Flowers
Did you miss flowers over the winter? I did. That’s why I often got cut flowers from Trader Joe’s. Isn’t the world so much prettier when flowers are blooming?
2. Color
It gets pretty gray and brown in Central Ohio in the winter. I think that’s why I’m always surprised by the vivid color of spring grass. The grass is nearly always that color in Ireland so seeing it green up here tends to bring back memories of Ireland for me. But it’s not just grass. The sky is bluer. Once the summer humidity hits the sky here won’t be as blue so I try to look up as much as possible in the spring. I already mentioned flowers. What about sunsets? My goodness we’ve had some incredible ones lately.

3. Baseball
Today, April 1, is Opening Day! We didn’t have that in 2020. Baseball opened I think in July and with no fans. I barely remember baseball at all in 2020, so this is truly a new start! I know some Little League teams have already started playing. For me, baseball is the great American sport, an icon of happy days, something this country has sorely needed. Don’t forget to tune in, if for no other reason just to feel that sense of “all will be well” when you hear the crack of a bat and the thrill of runs being scored and incredible catches being made.

4. The Great Outdoors
Where I live we are starting to get outside more often. Not today, maybe, it’s freezing, but more often than not. I missed my walks and the grandkids playing outside. We all feel better with a little fresh air and exercise so don’t forget to get out, even just for a little bit. You’ll see those colors a little better than you can from the window. Maybe even take in a game!

5. Resurrection
Easter is a season to celebrate life. There has been so much sorrow over the past year, including in my own family, but Jesus showed us the way to life eternal, to bare trees turning green, to brown fields sprouting grass and daffodils, to gray skies breaking into bright blue and then into pink, orange and yellow. Joy comes, the rain passes, there is new life. Happy Easter, Happy Spring, Happy Breathing Again.