The word of the year, that is, my word. What will my word be for 2021?

I usually know by now. There aren’t many days left until we turn over the calendar. I’ve been thinking about it and praying about it for several months, not continuously, but it has been on the back of my mind.
I think what’s tripping me up is 2020’s word. Mine was grace. Little did I know how much I’d need that word this year. Well, God knew. God always knows. And then I got to interview Philip Yancey. He’s a writer who has spent a lot of time and a lot of words on the topic of grace. I truly did not know I’d be speaking to him live at our festival when I chose that word. But God knew.
I’m still amazed by that. (No pun intended if you know the title of Yancey’s popular book on the topic!) Aren’t we all a little apprehensive about the new year? Last year at this time we had no idea what was coming. It seems like five years ago, doesn’t it? This time we have an idea. I suppose 2021 will start off looking a lot like 2020 when it comes to the pandemic we’ve been enduring. The way this year caught us off guard, no wonder we’re a little cautious about making assumptions about what the new year will hold. And so, what will my word be? Do I really WANT to know?
Well, God knows…
Me? Still not sure. I’ll keep you posted.
Have you chosen a word? Care to share it in the comments?
Are you unsure what all this about? I’ve blogged about the practice before here. And here’s what I said when I picked my 2020 word.