Forced Rest
I took this photo during a time author Shelly Miller calls “Forced Sabbath.” That’s a time when we take a rest we hadn’t planned. The worse example of this is when we are sick. We are forced to rest, and can sometimes use that time for reflection and a time to seek God.
But on this day, it wasn’t anything like that. It was a snow day! That means I was not babysitting my granddaughter. I miss her, of course, but this was a bonus kind of day where I was up early anyway. So I sat in my office, prayed, reflected, and enjoyed the morning light coming through the window.
Everyone Needs Time to Rest
For most people, it’s hard to find time for this. Some people even avoid taking time to pause. They like to stay busy. I’m not talking about sleep, but intentional times to chill, goof off, read, relax.
We all need to rest, if only for a few moments. It’s amazing how slowing down improves your mood and your ability to focus. Jesus offered us rest when he said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NLT) And he followed his own advice many times: “Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.” (Mark 1:35 NLT)
If you’d like to read more about Jesus and rest, I found this article.
Practice the Pause
In Shelly’s book, she doesn’t play the blame game. Start off giving yourself permission for just a few minutes if you can’t find time. You can expand as you get used to the idea. Like any spiritual discipline, pausing takes practice. If you forget or get distracted, or if something you must do comes up, just begin again later.
If you’re interested in Shelly’s book, you can find it here.
I love this reminder Cindy. Your photo provided a visual of your time for prayer and reflection. Thanks for the encouraging words.
My son’s mother-in-law has a room set aside in her house just for prayer and reflection, the pause. I was up at 3:00am this morning to drive two hours to a valley, I live in Colorado, with mountain ranges on both sides, just to pause and watch the sun rise and wash the valley in it’s glow.
That sounds amazing!