I have had a little trouble posting to my web site. That is why you’ll see the author of this post as Tom, rather than me. I needed to use his login. It’s always something, right?
So when this review came in, I wasn’t able to share it right away. But I wanted to make sure I did share it with you. It was an honor for Enya’s Son to be recognized. Have you read it? If so, I hope you’ll consider leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads and on other sites you might use such as Barnes & Noble. Thanks in advance. These reviews help readers who are making buying decisions.
Daughter of Ireland Series, Book Three
This book can be read as a stand alone.
To view the map from the book, click here.
Enya’s Son
The International Review of Books 5 Star badge of achievement.
Character Development: 5 out of 5
Plot Development: 5 out of 5
Flow of Plot: 4 out of 5
Overall rating: 5 out of 5
A line in the book that stood out to the reviewer:
“I am a woman who is deeply troubled. –1 Samuel 1:15 NIV”
This was a wonderful book! It’s a story of good versus evil and kept me thinking about the characters long after I put it down. When an evil man threatens the safety of their son, Enya goes behind her husband’s back despite the dangers of traveling alone. It is a story of faith and forgiveness and love and compassion in a land filled with ancient rituals and superstition. The suspense and danger kept me up late and the rich history of ancient Ireland and the early days of the church make it a very interesting read!
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