What Your Teacher Wasn’t Suppose to Read
I’ve read some of these before, little notes written in margins or on scraps found inside book bindings. I can relate right now to these medieval scribes. See if you can figure out why.

Complaints by Medieval Scribes
New parchment, bad ink; I say nothing more.
This page has not been very slowly written.
The parchment is hairy. The ink is thin.
Thank God it will soon be dark.
Oh, my hand.
Now I’ve written the whole thing. For Christ’s sake, give me a drink.
Writing is excessive drudgery. It crooks your back, it dims your sight, it twists your stomach and your sides.
St. Patrick from Armagh, deliver me from writing.
And my favorite:
As the harbor is welcome to the sailor, so is the last line to the scribe.
I’m a long way from the last line right now.
How I Would Rewrite These Scribe Complaints
New version of Word crashing. I say nothing more.
This page HAS been very slowly written.
Laptop battery is dead. The charge is slow.
Oh God, why did you create electricity?
Oh, my hand. (And wrists, and shoulders, and elbows.)
I can’t seem to write the whole thing. Give me a drink!
Writing is excessive drudgery. It crooks your back, it dims your sight, it twists your stomach and your sides. (I couldn’t improve on this one!)
Oh shopping girlfriend, save me from writing.
As the hot tub is welcome to sore muscles, so is the typing of The End to the novelist.
I feel a kinship to these ancient scribes, although my complaints are nearly as charming.