Women in Church
We have a woman pastor, and for the United Methodist Church, that is not an unusual thing. It’s the first time I believe in my particular church. It has, therefore, brought up the question (so I’ve heard, I’ve not been in these discussions) about the appropriateness of women in leadership positions in the church.

I Am Just a Woman, Called by God
I think it’s ridiculous to even have that discussion. A 91-year-old woman I know repeatedly says, “They are called by God just like a man is.” But still it persists. Some even say there is Biblical reason for their belief that women should not be in leadership.

Photo by Peter O’Connor aka anemoneprojectors
The First Woman Preacher
I don’t listen to this much, but today it came to mind because when I went to www.sacredspace.ie for my devotional, I discovered it’s the saint day for Mary Magdalene. Therefore, the scripture is about her: John 20:1-2, 11-18. As I read it, it hit me. What if Mary had not been allowed to “preach?”
Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, ‘I have seen the Lord’; and she told them that he had said these things to her.