Let’s see if a cute puppy gets me more comments. 😉
My Puppy Tales

[bctt tweet=”Who puts their dog on their family tree?”]
The first puppy I had was a family dog named Boots. I remember going with my parents and sisters to pick out a puppy from someone who had a litter. I must have been about five. We played with them for a while and someone said it’s decided, and I remember being annoyed that no one asked my opinion. I had been interested in a different puppy. Well, such is the life of the baby in the family! And it continued. My sister Sharon really took over and Boots, while I enjoyed her, never really was MY puppy.
Later we added a dog (not a puppy) that my oldest sister Regena rescued off someone’s clothesline chain. Then a cat that Sharon rescued (after the dogs were gone.)
When I got married, I did not want a dog. Boots had turned out to be a neurotic mess in her old age during thunderstorms and the 4th of July. Boots and the rescued dog fought terribly. I just didn’t want that. We got cats.
Whose Dog?
Later we did get a dog for our boys, and he turned out to be my dog. A sheltie named Cody who was so sweet and loyal. He’s been gone a few years now. Then we had Jeff’s dog Mia while he was in the army, but she left to move in with him when he returned. She was my husband’s dog second after Jeff. A boxer that was well trained and trailed Jeff obediently, hanging on to his every word. We all miss her.
Then our son Kyle and his wife Kelsey got two dogs. They visit and romp and play at granny’s house.

And now Gibbs. Jeff got his dream job working for the National Park Service for the season so we have his puppy while he’s away. Gibbs loves everybody, but since I’m spending the most time with him, I think I’ve adopted him. He’s very sweet, but yeah, he’s a puppy, so there are puppy problems sometimes, but mostly he’s a great puppy to have around.
Which Got Me Thinking About Pets As Family
When people do genealogy, they rarely include pets. You don’t put them on your tree. But they are an important part of people’s lives. I wonder if there should be a secondary page in the family record for pets. What do think?
Sometimes pets are the only “family” we have.. they are always ready with a “hug” , and they never talk back–We miss Mia too–and Damien–and our DD went to wait at the rainbow bridge a few years ago–Now we have BUCKY–rescued him in Reynoldsburg–my fear of a pit bull has been replaced by my love for one…I sure could use Jefferson’s training tips with him but so far–almost 11 months–so good