Bringing You Sofia’s Tune
As many of you know, I’ve been working on book 3 of the Ellis Island series and I’m going to be publishing it myself. I haven’t given up on traditional publishing but I am becoming what is referred to as a “hybrid” author–some of each. I like the way Sofia’s Tune is taking shape. If you are a fan of the series, I think you are going to like it. But the question was, how to bring it to you. It’s not as simple as typing it up and sending it to Kindle Publishing. A good book must have good editing, and a good cover. Those things cost money, and so, that is why when people ask me when it will come out I’ve had no answer. Until now.
Crowd Funding
You may have heard of it. Lots of musicians are using crowd funding to get their music published. I heard of a site called Pubslush that is focused on books and magazines. It made sense to me that readers who are anxiously waiting for a book could have a say in when it gets published. While you donate money, you do get a reward, which depending on the level can be a copy of the finished product, some gifts, even the ability to have a say in the cover and name characters.
Funding Sofia’s Tune
So I’m all set up on Pubslush! Click here! I’ve sent my goal to deliver my the end of this year. I’m hoping I can get on a really good editor’s schedule in time to make that happen. I write books for readers, so this made perfect sense to me. I hope you’ll support my campaign!
Support Sofia’s Tune! Click Here!
[bctt tweet=”Author Cindy Thomson is using @pubslush for her next novel. Read all about it! #crowdfunding #novels”]