If you’ve followed me for a while, you no doubt know I choose a word each year (based on where I believe God is directing me) instead of making a New Year’s resolution. For me, it’s much more meaningful. I got a text from cousin Susan asking what my word was (I didn’t yet know). Best friend Sandy said she hadn’t yet read my blog post about my word (it wasn’t written yet). Folks all over Facebook have been posting their 2024 words and asking what words others chose.
So, yeah, I needed a word, but it was late coming. My fault surely because I hadn’t spent time pondering and praying over it like I usually did. Plus, I was afraid my word was WRITE, and that made me feel a bit guilty as I haven’t been writing as much as I would like. Negative feelings, as I’ve been reminded lately by my pastors’ sermons (yes, I meant that to be plural. The pastors at our new church all keep to the same theme no matter who preaches that Sunday) are not from God. Turns out that word wasn’t either, not this year. But first, a look back at 2023’s word. I liked that word SEEK so much. It carried so much meaning and reminded me to seek God’s way and not my own. I don’t think I’ll be leaving that word behind. Seek first, seek the path, seek God’s will …
This year I felt a strong tug toward moving forward. Using the practice described by MyOneWord.org I thought about the person I felt God wanted me to be. Doing, acting, progressing, and yes, writing. How to describe that? I was stumped. Then it hit me on New Year’s Day. ENDEAVOR. It means to try hard to do or achieve something. As far as I could tell (I did not check them all), the word is used only in one English translation of the Bible as follows:
May your servants see your work.
Psalm 90:16-17 New King James Version
May their sons see your majesty.
May our Sovereign God extend his favor to us.
Make our endeavors successful.
Yes, make them successful.
Reflecting on this I see that my endeavors are nothing until God makes them successful. So, I ENDEAVOR to keep SEEKing him, working to the best of my ability, the ability God has given me.
What about you? Have you chosen a word for 2024 or are you seeking something this year and will be working toward it? Please share if you’d like in the comments.