St. David is the Patron Saint of Wales. He was a 6th century founder of numerous religious communities and is the only native Welsh saint from that golden age of Celtic monasticism. He ran a strict order that some might even call strict but that I believe he probably considered basic and simple. He is known for a short but profound saying: Do the little things. That’s actually part of his last words to his followers: “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things that you have heard and seen me do.”
This wisdom reminds us that what we do every day and how we treat those around us is far more important than doing great, noticeable things that bring fame. Be kind. Be gentle. Treat those in your circle with grace and care.
It’s said that St. David is to Wales what St. Patrick is to Ireland. He brought the love and grace of the One True God to the people.
I admit that once I discovered an ancestral line that trails back to Wales, I’ve become a lot more interested in learning about that wee Celtic country. My latest Ancestry DNA update says I have 17% Welsh ancestry. My parents had less. I got some from both sides but I do know the line of my paternal grandmother goes back to Wales in the 17th century. The saint’s feast day has been observed and celebrated since about the 12th century so I imagine it was part of my ancestors’ lives.
What do you know about Wales? Have you ever been? I hope to go one day.