A Light in the Darkness
One of my favorite stories about St. Patrick revolves around Easter. In ancient Ireland feast days were launched the night before with a massive fire. In a world without electricity, an outdoor fire must have been visible for miles, a call to the gathering.
The story says that on the eve of the festival of Beltane, the king ordered all fires to be extinguished so that only his ceremonial fire burned on the Hill of Slane.
However, it was also Easter and Patrick and his followers lit their Easter fire. As dark as the night was, that fire could easily be spotted, so the king sent his men to punish these lawbreakers. But God was on Patrick’s side, and he and his followers turned into a herd of deer (shapeshifting was a talent for powerful druids, thus the tale gave a nod to the influence Patrick had.) Thus concealed, Patrick and his followers passed by the army without harm.
This story is beautifully told by John Doan. Watch it below and enjoy his music.
Thank you so much what a story. I am reading a book on the Druid turned monks who went to Europe bringing Christ light into the darkness of pagan pain
Looking forward to go to some of the ancient churches and pilgrims sites
Some say that would describe Columba (Columcille) the subject of my next novel. Let me know what you discover on your next trip!
I always love reading your blogs!
I find your blogs very informative!
Thanks for sharing this beautiful story!
What a beautiful story and legend. Thanks for sharing.
Wow thank you Cindy! I love the story and the background where he was sitting is amazing!! I am always so interested in these tales and there is so much history!
Cindy, thank you for this beautiful post!